
About Swanple

Welcome to The Swanple, a blog about products reviews, samples, events and giveaways/contests. I will share with you my unbiased views about products and samples used.

This blog is established in November 2012 with just the aim of sharing. My little hobby. 

Credit to my brother from @stuckonurbon (, he helped me to design my beautiful blog logo according to my name. Are you able to spot my name from the logo?

Why Call Swanple?
Well...there is actually a story to it. There are actually 2 parts to the name Swanple. 

"Swan" came from the logo. Because Swanple's logo looks like a swan, my cousin suggested using "The Swan" as the name of the blog.  But somehow I still feel the name need some fine tuning.

"ple" came from sample. It all started out by getting my first sample online to try before buying. Ever since, getting samples makes me excited everyday. Since I have so many samples, why not start a blog to review and share? 

Calling my blog "Sample" or "The Swan" just don't sound right to me. Since my logo looks like swan and its the samples that I am reviewing, My brother suggested changing "Sam" with "Swan". I find it quite unique and decided to use it. And "Swanple" was born. 

Messages To You
It all started out by getting my first sample online to try before buying around June 2012. Ever since, getting samples makes me excited everyday. Since I have so many samples, my cousin asked, "Why don't you start a blog about it?"

Well....good things must share!!! Right?

For those who love to get samples like me, go on to check out the samples redemption I share. 

This blog is for everyone to visit. All are welcome especially those who want to find product reviews and samples. 

Hope you find something useful in my humble blog here.

Alright...enough of my grandmother story. Enjoy your read! 😉