
Sunday 22 September 2013

Review: Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad

Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad (25ml per foot pad X2)
This week review will be on Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad. This was the prizes that I won playing Confirmtrading Beauty Trove.

Well, I have given this to my mum to use. But I guess that its not quite suitable for my mum's very dry and hard cracks foot. After my mum uses it, the effect is not as smooth and soft as stated. Those sole of the foot is still cracked and dry even after peeling. 

Its really up to individual now. If your feet is not as seriously cracked and dry, maybe you can give it a try. :)

Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad Summary
This is an innovative foot care concept from Japan. 

This is what is written on the box:

With exclusive ingredient milk ferment filtrate, Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad removes dead foot skin cells, hard cracks and foot calluses naturally. Milky Foot's natural milk extract protects and moisturizes your skin. Your feet becomes smooth and soft as milk. 
Information written on the box.
You may go to bio Revive Website or Confirm Trading Facebook Page for more information. 

How to use Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad?
Direction of use:
  1. Wear milky foot on both feet after cleansing. Tape with attached double-faced adhesive plastic tape. Press pad softly together.
  2. Soak feet in the foot pad for 60 minutes. Remove foot pad and wash feet with warm water. Dry feet with towel and do not use foot pad longer than recommended duration. 
  3. Dead skin will peel off naturally after 5 to 10 days of use. Exfoliating process can last for 3 weeks. 
Please do not forcefully remove dead skin when exfoliating process begins. 
Precautions and Ingredients
How to use.
My Review
This was the prizes that I won playing Confirmtrading Beauty Trove.
One packet of milky foot consist of a pair of foot pad, each 25ml. The size that was given to me was regular size.

How the packet look like.
A pair of foot pad.
When cut open, it produces a nice smell.
When cut opened.
Well, I have given this to my mum to use. :D Yes, she became my guinea pig to try products again. =))

My mum told me that it feels sticky and watery jelly when feet is inside the foot pad. It feels cooling too. 

It is recommended to wear socks. But my mum got no suitable socks. So she use rubber band to secure it instead. /hmm Looks weird to me.
Front side during application.
Side view during application.
After 60 minutes, during washing off, it produces a very strong smell. Same smell when opened the pad.
How it looks like just before wash.
After wash and dry, my mum's skin is not as dry before apply. The sticky feeling during application is gone too. But the fragrance smell produces from the foot pad is still present. 

5 days after my mum uses the milky foot, skin on her feet started to peel off slowly. It does look ugly to me and I also have to keep reminding her not to peel off using her hand. :)
5 Days after using the milky foot.
3 weeks later, my mum's feet finish peeling. Its not totally smooth and soft. Certain area like the sole of her feet, still crack and dry. 

But I guess that its not quite suitable for my mum's very dry and hard cracks foot. After my mum uses it, the effect is not as smooth and soft as stated. Those sole of the foot is still cracked and dry even after peeling. 
My mum's feet from before use to after 3 weeks of use.
Maybe she needs another round of application. But that means its not really value for money any more to me.

Its really up to individual now. If your feet is not as seriously cracked and dry, maybe you can give it a try. :)

Where to buy it?
Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad can be found at Watsons, Guardian, BHG, Nishino Pharmacy and OG at S$32.90. 

Where to get sample?
No sample redemption for this. :( But you can like Confirm Trading Facebook Page for future promotions. 

Disclaimer: Product(s) in this post was/were samples or bought for personal use only. Reviews are for the purpose of sharing my honest personal experience only. No sponsorship and/or monetary compensation are offered. 

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