
Saturday 14 December 2013

Review: Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen

Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen (50ml)
This week review is on Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen. This is a sample I received from my April 2013 Black Box. 

Overall, this collagen drink do not have fishy taste. Its taste sweet and sour. I do not actually feel any different or anything just by drinking only one bottle. Perhaps will only be able to see the different by drinking more bottles over a long term period. 

Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen Summary
From the leaflet, Collabee helps you achieve and maintain well hydrated and luminous skin with regular consumption by encouraging adequate collagen production. 

Action ingredients of pure Manuka Honey and concentrated Royal jelly are added 10,000 mg of premium fish collagen to maximise absorption and enhance deep skin nourishment during sleep. Other skin-loving ingredients include: Vitamin C, Ceramide, Hyaluronic Acid.

Take a bottle before bedtime will help rebuild our skin, normalise the immune system, improve bone and joint health., hydrate tissues and promote healthy hair, nails.

What is written on the leaflet.
  • Pure Manuka Honey, concentrated Royal Jelly, Premium fish collagen, Vitamin C, Ceramide and Hyaluronic Acid
How to use Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen?
From the leaflet:
  • Consume a bottle, preferably before bedtime.
  • Pineapple flavour. Tastes best chilled.
  • Consume immediately after opening.
  • Drink every night for first 3 months, thereafter alternate night for maintenance (Age between 25-40).
  • Drink every night (Age 40 and above).
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing should always consult a doctor before starting any new supplementation. 
Direction written on the leaflet.
My Review
This is a sample I received from my April 2013 Black Box.

My first impression after see only the bottle is it contain honey. So it should taste good. 

The bottle comes with yellow wrap. Pretty nice to me. :) I place the bottle in the refrigerator as recommended. 

How the bottle look like.
First thing I always want to know for collagen drink, is the bottle easy to open. This Collabee bottle's cap is easy to open even after taken out from the refrigerator. 

Once open, I can actually smell a mixture of honey and fishy smell. But the fishy smell is not very heavy. :)

The Collabee collagen drink is dark brown in color. One look at it, it look like Singapore's Herbal tea (Jia Jia Liang Cha)

Dark Brown in color.
Top view of the drink.
The collagen drink have no fishy taste. :D It taste sweet and sour and a little honey taste. Sweet due to the honey. Sour maybe due to Pineapple flavour.

The collagen drink taste not sweet enough, I feel. Its more sour then sweet. But I like sour drink. So its still ok for me. 

I do not actually feel any different or anything just by drinking only one bottle. Perhaps will only be able to see the different by drinking more bottles over a long term period.

Overall this drink taste good to me but its a bit expensive for me though. :P 

Where to buy it?
Bioflora Collabee Honey and Collagen can be bought at John Little, Honeyworld and online stories at S$78 for 10 bottles (50ml each)

Where to buy them.
Where to get samples?
No sample redemption for this product. :( It was given in my April 2013 Black Box. Perhaps you may subscribe to Black Box for free samples.        

Disclaimer: Product(s) in this post was/were samples or bought for personal use only. Reviews are for the purpose of sharing my honest personal experience only. No sponsorship and/or monetary compensation are offered. 

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