
Sunday 31 May 2015

Event: Channel U Facebook Friends Event Beauty Workshop at ETUDE HOUSE

I was privilege to be selected to attend the Channel U Facebook Friends Event Beauty Workshop, at the new Etude House in Vivo City on 21 May 2015 evening. 
Channel U workshop.
Well, pretty excited coz its Etude House and I get to preview it even before its open to public. :)
New Etude House at Vivo City.
The host for the day is YES 933 Radio DJ Siau Jiahui 萧嘉蕙 and special appearance of Mediacorp Artist Carrie Wong 黄思恬. 
Host: YES 933 Radio DJ Siau Jiahui 萧嘉蕙
Ok ok, have to first apologies as I did not bring my camera that day. So all photos I have are taken from my Handphone. Please bare with the quality. 

I was given a lanyard stating "Channel U Fans" with a pink token and 20% discount card when I just arrived.
Lanyard Given.
Pink Coin.
20% discount card.
While waiting for the host to start the day event, I get to walk around the new Etude House in Vivo City. The dollhouse is nicely done, besides products well placed and sectioned, there is also new zone for doing pedicure, medicure, makeup, sweet catcher machine as well as photo taking corner, only available here at Vivo City. 
Medicure Zone.
Pedicure Zone.
Sweet Catcher Machine.
Products Well Placed.
Wall display of photos taking Corner.
Place is nicely decorated.
Products on displayed.
Products cutely on display. Look like a cake isn't it?
The event started out with makeup artist from Korea demonstrating the use of their limited edition Dreaming Swan collection. 
Makeup sets all ready for the makeup demo.
Close Up look at some of the products for demo.
Explaining the products in Korean and translated by Jiahui in English.
Demo the makeup.
Then we have Carrie Wong to share with us her makeup story and updates. 
Carrie Wong sharing her story.
It ended with Carrie Wong exploring the new Etude House. 
Touring around Etude House.
Photo Taking while touring.
Well for me, I ended with playing my Pink Token given when I arrived on the catcher machine. I was never good at doll catching machine. So I count myself lucky to pick up a lollipop from the sweet catcher machine. (Although not lucky enough to pick up product, better than nothing.) Well I did not choose manicure session coz the catcher machine really attract my attention more.
Pink Coin.
Lollipop Catched.
Before I left, I picked up a generous goodies bag given. Thanks Etude House and Mediacorp. :D
Goodies Bag for participants to bring home.
What is inside the goodies bag.
Opening up the pink box to find Etude House New Dreaming Swan makeup set and jewelry.
And although I was so happy leaving with a generous goodies bag and nice experience, I also leave with a growing stomach. Well I came straight from work without my dinner. Although there are nice finger foods and drinks walked around by waiters, I am still hungry!!!

Ok enough of my nagging. The new Etude House in Vivo City B1 is opened to public from 22 May 2015 and is really nice. Don't wait, go visit them today. 

Disclaimer: I won the chance to attend this event for the new store opening purposes only. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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