
Sunday 3 May 2015

Review: Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy

Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy (100ml)
Today review will be on Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy. This was given during the SampleStore Easter Event this year. 

Given it to my brother to use. Overall, its able to help keep his skin moisturizing and it does also help to control the oil level of his face too. Well, it prove the product is not only suitable for teenager but beyond too. 

Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy Summary
From Juke website:
"Its a daily moisturizer created just for boys, proven to soothe your skin from harsh environment and keep it moist and supple all day long."
What is written on the box.
For more information, go to Juke website

How to use Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy?
Apply twice a day to face and neck. 

My Review
This was given during the SampleStore Easter Event this year.

The product came with a nice blue package. 
Blue package.
Opening it up, its a white 100ml tube with lots of wordings on it. Very messy to me. 
100ml white tube containing the cream.
And for hygiene, the product is nicely seal up. Good for us to know its never been opened to used before. 
All seal up.
Capping it back after removing the seal.
The moisturizer is white in color and have a cream texture. there is also no smell to it. :)
White color cream texture.
The cream itself is not at all sticky or oily. 

I have given it to my brother to use since its for boy. Well, really hard for me to convince someone with no habit of using moisturizer to use it daily. But he still do it for me. :D (kiss kiss him)

Ok here is his feedback after using. The moisturizer after use, it won't immediately feel smooths on the skin. It absorb fast but the smooth touch came only after a few minutes later. 

For the first few weeks, he did not really see any effect on his skin. Everything feels normal. 3 weeks into using the moisturizer, he realize that his skin feels smooth and also less oily when he wakes up in the morning. 
Left side without using the moisturizer. Right side smoother after using the moisturizer.
Overall, its able to help keep his skin moisturizing and it does also help to control the oil level of his face too. Well, it prove the product is not only suitable for teenager but beyond too.

Where to buy it?
You may buy Juke All In One Moisturizing Cream For Teenagers It Boy product online from Juke website or from Yue Hwa Chinatown for S$20.

Where to get samples?
No sample for this product. :( 

Disclaimer: Product(s) in this post was/were samples or bought for personal use only. Reviews are for the purpose of sharing my honest personal experience only. No sponsorship and/or monetary compensation are offered. 

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