
Monday 13 July 2015

Event: Cathay Motion Picture Award Night 2015

Thanks to Rena, my blogger buddy, I was able to attend the Cathay Motion Picture Award Night 2015 on 3 July 2015 at The Cathay. 
Ticket to attend the Award Night.
I'm a guest at the Award Night.
Lets take a break from beauty products and take a look at something different.

Lets talk a little about the award. 
Cathay Motion Picture Award Night 2015
So what is this Cathay Motion Picture Awards all about?
Cathay Motion Picture Award (CMPA) is a short film competition started in 2012 to celebrate Cathay Organization's 77th anniversary. This annual signature event is into its 4th iteration this year. 

What do participant needs to do?
CMPA invites participant to create a motion picture, an 80 seconds film within 80 hours, in accordance to the theme "Memories". 

This year, there is a total of 145 entries submitted. 

And what prizes will they get?
4 prizes altogether:
  • Best Motion Picture
  • First Runner Up
  • Second Runner Up
  • Viewers' Choice Award. 
During this Cathay Motion Picture Award Night 2015, I will get to see 15 Top Finalist's Films and get to know the winners. 

Ok lets get the action going. Before I let you all know who the winners are, lets see Rena and my action that night first. Shall we? :D

We were there early. What we do? Of course explore the place. We took pictures not only at the photo booth. we also took pictures at the red carpet.
Waiting to take picture at the red carpet.
Hahahaha!!! We feel so superstar that day, as if we are at Star Awards!
Photo Taking at the Red Carpet.
Photo Taking at the Photo Booth.
Selfie inside the cinema hall.
Ok, after day dreaming ourselves at the red carpet, we dig in to the foods prepared for us before going into the Cinema Hall for the Awards. 
Reception before the award night.
Foods before the award night.
Add some desserts.
Ready to proceed to the Cinema Hall for the award.
So what are the 15 Top Finalist's Films?
  • 守忆 (Reminisce) by Banana Split  
  • Memories by Heavy Production 
  • Retch by Incline Visuals 
  • 明月盒(Glimpse) by Paper Clip Production  
  • Block by Posse 
  • My Journey by Qrious Lab 
  • Artist by Smells like Team Spirit 
  • 这一秒,你好不好 (Seletar) by Studio3B 
  • Folders by Studio 1914 
  • Pesanan (Reminders) by #TEAM 018
  • Rich Memories by Tip-Toe 
  • Fragments by Triple-J 
  • Let Go by Voyager Films 
  • Zoe by Walk & Roll Studios 
  • Pop by What Productions 
Well, so which one I like most? For me, there are 2 films I like, Pesanan (Reminders) by #TEAM 018 and Artist by Smells like Team Spirit. I actually like those more emotional films. :)

At the end of the day, which films won?

Drum roll.....
Announcing the Winners.
Best Motion Picture Award
Retch by Incline Visuals
Best Motion Picture Winner.
This is a film by 3 LASALLE Fresh Graduate: Andrew Kose, 21, Chervin Chua, 20, Jonathan Chan, 22. 

Struggling to trace back your memories? This film is talking about Andy, a librarian, finds himself terribly ill one day. As he throws up, he struggles to jot his memory on what he had for lunch that made him sick. 

Click here to watch the film. 

First Runner Up Award
这一秒,你好不好 (Seletar) by Studio3B
1st Runner Up Winner.
This is a film by Melinda Tan, 30, Pursuing a Masters degree and Yeo Zhi Qi, 22, Student

This film is talking about a tear-jerking journey of remembering the loss of someone dear. On the first death anniversary of their best friend, Jiayi and Zhiqi embarked on a journey to remember her. 

Click here to watch the film.

Second Runner Up Award
Fragments by Triple-J
2nd Runner Up Winner.
This is a film by Jaze Phua, 23, and Jerry Lim, 23, Student & Youtuber for JUO Productions, and Justin Kan, 31, Flight Steward. 

This film is a  Local YouTube sensation’s winning video. Memories are fragmented, and an accumulation of our experiences around us. A blind man speaks of how our senses evoke snippets of our memories, but the best memories are created with the people around us. 

Click here to watch the film. 

Viewers' Choice Award
Artist by Smells like Team Spirit
Viewers' Choice Winner.
This is a film by Andre He, 27, Freelance Promotions Producer, Ho Wenlong, 26, Student and Luna Pham, 24, Broadcast Graduate from NTU.

A look into what we remember from our past, against the reality of the present – is now really better? This film is talking about a little boy and an artist speak of life, friendship and bumboats by the Singapore River. As the artist sketches the view, the little boy realizes that the artwork looks different from what he sees in front of him  not realizing that the artist was sketching the river from his memory of how it used to be.

Click here to watch the film.
Congratulation all Winners.
Goodies for the night.
Thanks BrandStory for the invitation and goodies. Congratulation all winners.

Disclaimer: I was invited to this event by BrandStory. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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