
Sunday 26 July 2015

Event: Singapore Blog Awards 2015

Singapore Blog Awards 2015
Its the Singapore Blog Awards 2015. I was privilege to be able to tag along my Cousin who is attending the award ceremony on behalf of her blogger friend Leonny, who is the finalist in the Best Family Blog. 

The Singapore Blog Awards 2015 Ceremony was held on the 23 July 2015 at F.Club Singapore. 
Singapore Blog Awards 2015
Held at F.Club Singapore.
Banners place at the entrance.
Happened that my blogger buddy Rena was also going to attend, so we decided to party together and we are all dress up that night. :)

This is the first time I was at F.Club Singapore. Nice place but well, as we are pretty late, when we arrive, we have only time to faster grab some foods and proceed to the Club's room where the award ceremony is starting already.
Food available to fill our stomach.
Complimentary Drink for the night.
Nice room ambience.
Decorations in F.Club Singapore.
Honestly speaking, I wasn't really paying attention at what the stage is going on. Ops my bad. But seeing that its the guest of honour speaking, I happily dig into my food first. :)
Guest of Honour speaking on stage.
By the time the speaking and dancing ended, I'm done with the food. The first award is given out. who won? Don't tell you! just kidding, will leave it to the end yah. :)

And my bad again, I continue to be not fully paying attention to what was going on on stage, paying attention only when the winners are announce. 
Image of how the trophy looks like.
Collecting the prize on stage for the winners.
Collecting the Certificate and trophy on stage for the winners.
You must be wondering and asking, "You wasn't paying attention the whole night, then what are you doing?" Well, guess because I am not part of the finalist, my mind auto switch to have fun that night. So I was busy taking pictures and chit chatting with Rena and my cousin. hehehe..... :D
Having fun taking pictures.
And the fun continues.....
And after the last award was given out and ceremony ended with a big bang, we proceed to do what we miss just now at the beginning. Take pictures around the f.Club Singapore and at the photo booth. And also ended the night posing and signing off like a celebrity!
Selecting the Best dress award for the night.
Photo taking at the Photo booth.
Pose like a celebrity...hehehe
Signing off like a celebrity...:)
I did have fun and gain some new experience too. And each of us was given a bag of goodies as a token. Thank you. :)
Goodies Bag for each person attending the award night.
And here you go, congratulation to all winners:
Top 10 Most Popular Blogs:
  • A Happy Mum 
  • theRantingPanda
  • 小熊物语-阿宝的日记
  • Bumble Bee Mum
  • Mum in the Making
  • Little Miss Bento
  • McDonald's Around the World
  • Life's Tiny Miracles
  • SG Unfit Runners
  • Johor Kaki
Top 10 Most Popular Blogs
Editors' / Judges' Choice: 
Best Family Blog: Rascal Dads | 流氓老爸
Best Fashion Blog: ULIMALI

Best Food Blog: Ms Skinnyfat
Best Health & Wellness Blog: PrisChew Dot Com
Best Individual Blog: @Filmnomenon [Reviews by Eternality Tan]
Best Lifestyle Blog: It's all about valyn
Best New Blog: Kat Eyes
Best Topical Blog: Little Miss Bento
Best Travel Blog: Pohtecktoes - Traveling in the Moment

Editors' / Judges' Choice
Advertisers' Choice:
Best Beauty Blog: - beauty, lifestyle & rambles
Best Cooking Blog: The Domestic Goddess Wannabe
Most Popular Beauty Blog: because every part of you can be beautiful, even your buns
Most Popular Cooking Blog: The Domestic Goddess Wannabe

Advertisers' Choice
Followers' Choice: 
Favourite Twitter Influencer: Lee Hsien Loong
Favourite Youtube Channel: wahbanana

Followers' Choice
Favourite Local Celebrity Instagram: Jeanette Aw 欧萱
Favourite Overseas Celebrity Instagram: Choi Siwon 崔始源

Celebrity Category

Disclaimer: All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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