
Sunday 27 September 2015

Review: The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager

The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager
Today review is on The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager. 

This small little massaging device really complete my face routine. I am starting to fall in love with this massager. Its able to really help me lift up my skin and also reduce the puffiness on my face. Now my skin is happy as I'm exercising and detoxing it everyday. 

The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager Summary
This Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager does the following:
  • Improves blood circulation and skin tone.
  • Increases skin elasticity.
  • Helps reduce puffiness and wrinkles.
  • Stimulates lymphatic drainage.
  • Skin feels energised and look radiant. 
This massager will give the face a full workout. 

It is best use with The Body Shop Oils Of Life.

How to use The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager?
Use the Oils of Life™ Twin-Ball Facial Massager in a series of choreographed movements to help tone your facial muscles. 

You may follow this link for how to use the massager as if you are dancing. :)
How to use the massager.
My Review
Recently, I was in The Body Shop Store to spend off my voucher so as not to waste it. Then, I came across this new device tester set laying around their New Oils Of Life products. This new device tester set is none other than The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager. 
It caught my attention really. I can't help but start to use the tester to roll and roll my arms. (Not very hygiene to use it directly on face since its a tester) And it feels so good!!! LOL

Its on 20% discount for member too. So I decided to buy one home and roll as and when I feel like it. :)

The Twin-Ball Massager came pack in a simple box wrapped with plastic outside the box. 
Wrapped in plastic.
Came packed in a simple box.
Opening the box, the massager is place nicely on a shaped form. 
Opening the box.
Massager place nicely on a form.
The massager design is really simple, a handle with 2 metal balls side by side.
2 metal balls
Simple design.
Rolling it on the skin, my skin just felt being suck in between 2 balls if I roll with the ball facing down going upward movement. If I roll it with the the balls facing up going upward movement, I will not have the sucking feeling. 
Skin will have a sucking feeling.
I use this massager during my night skin care routine. As its metal balls, my skin feels cool when massaging. 

Rolling the massager on my chin feels a little painful when my skin is being suck between the 2 balls. Other then that, its feels really relax and good. 

After just 1 use, I can already see slight different on my skin. My skin looked more lifted. It can be seen around the chin and cheek area. Really amazing.
Slight improvement after use.
OMG!!! Now then I start to realise my skin is not as firm as before anymore. This massager really came at the right time for me to rescue my skin. :D

This small little massaging device really complete my face routine. I am starting to fall in love with this massager. Its able to really help me lift up my skin and also reduce the puffiness on my face. Now my skin is happy as I'm exercising and detoxing it everyday. 

Where to buy it?
The Body Shop Twin-Ball Revitalising Facial Massager is available at all The Body Shop Stores at S$26.90 each.

Where to get samples?
Nope. No sample redemption for this. You may try the tester of this product at the shop itself. So go on, go to The Body Shop and roll away before deciding if you want to buy it. :)

Disclaimer: Product in this post was bought for personal use only. Review is for the purpose of sharing my honest personal experience only. No sponsorship and monetary compensation are offered. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi can u pls update the condition of yr face after so many mths use

    1. Hi Sam, my face condition is still lifted and detoxing well.

      But If you are looking for device to slim down your face contour, then this device is not what you are looking for.


  3. Hi Ivy, I just bought the twin-ball massager from The Body Shop. I was wonder if you think it's okey to use the twin-ball massager on other areas of my skin such as the nose, eyes, the back of my neck, etc..

    1. Hi Maryam, hm..... I think it should still be ok for other area but eye I think we should not because eye area is very delicate. so should be more careful. but that is my opinion only. you may want to ask body shop directly. ;)

  4. Hi . I’m allergic to nickel and bought this product today . I would like to know if is has any nickel before I use it please .

    Kind Regards

  5. Very nice post.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Crystal Spa

  6. Nice post! I love to read your article. Even, Vaboro's face massage roller helps naturally reduce wrinkles, improve circulation and skin tone, and give your face a beautiful glow
