
Saturday 14 November 2015

Event: Nuffnang Lovin' Treat At Trick 2015 Trick Eye Museum

Trick Eye Museum
Thanks to Nuffnang and Trick Eye Museum for the invitation, I was off to Resort World Sentosa on 31 Oct 2015 night to explore the newly revamped Trick Eye Museum. 

Well to be honest, the Trick Eye Museum has been around for so long but I have never been inside even before the revamption. So I was pretty excited to be able to spend my Halloween in Trick Eye Museum.
Registration counter.
Trick Eye Museum Ticket Box.
Before showing you what I did that day, lets talk a little about the re-opening of Trick Eye Museum. 

Trick Eye Museum has done some renewal to the exhibit with new theme zones and interactive 4-D concept. These includes new exhibits at the entrance, 4-D interactive exhibits, new ghost zone and fantasy zone. And they are officially re-opened on 31 Oct 2015. (Free entry on 31 Oct 2015 too. Are you there too that day?)

I haven't been to Trick Eye Museum. So on that day, I have a hard time finding where it is. If not for the pillar posters showing arrow where it is, I think I will take forever to find it with the swamp of zombies and ghost around the USS area that day.  :)

Oh, one important thing, go to the toilet before you go Trick Eye Museum as there is no toilet near Trick Eye Museum. You have have to walk all the way to the other side which is very far. 

Ok enough of toilet talk. Outside the Trick Eye Museum, there are already things for me to take even before I step inside the museum. 
Oh, new wings for me!
2 pretty ladies taking selfie.
Nice music.
My valentine for the day.
Oh...long long mustache.
Let me help you!
I was all alone but luckily I met a new friend, CK, who is also alone. The two of us have each other throughout the whole session to help take pictures for each other. 

Before starting, we took photos with other bloggers we met there. :)
Photo taking with other bloggers.
Erm, I haven't been inside. So I really couldn't tell which is new exhibit and which is old exhibit. Luckily CK have been inside before to be able to tell me which is new exhibit. 

We only have 1 hour inside the museum. So we didn't manage to take all the exhibits' photos. In fact we overlook some new exhibit on the floor too. But we still have fun for that 1 hour with no crowd. And I especially like the "Dancing Star" interactive exhibit. :D

Lets all enjoy some of what we have taken that day for that 1 hour.
Entrance. The fun night begun.
First new exhibit right near the entrance.
My boyfriend for that night. LOL
Oh don't cry, let me help you down.
Round 1 Fight!!!
Wow! Rainbow!
Can I share with you?
I'm floating...
I became a mermaid :)
Careful! Don't fall!
Yeah...Teddy bear!
Ride on bike with a ..erm....wolf!!
I'm flying in the air!
In the fortune ball.
No!!! I'm not a Dracula!
Trap in the hourglass.
Being part of the big painting.
Climbing the ice mountain with bare hands.
Help!!! Don't eat me!
Erm...actually what is this??
Climbing the rope.
Ended by relaxing with a cup of Gabu Gabu Ice Cream Soda Drink!
Oh oh! Here is one of the "Dancing Star" interactive exhibit. So cute! I'm dancing!

We ended the day with nice drinks sponsored for us, announcing winners for contest and also a big photo with everyone!
We are given Pokka Gabu Gabu Ice Cream Soda after the event.
Announcing the contest winners.
Group Photo (Photo courtesy Nuffnang)
Thanks again for having the museum all for us that night. I really enjoy myself and will definitely be back someday. Bye for now!

Disclaimer: I was invited to this event by Nuffnang. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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