
Monday 9 May 2016

Event: IOMA X Sophisca Hands-On Workshop

On 7 May 2016, my mum and I attended IOMA X Sophisca Hands-On Workshop held at Loft @ Tangs Seviin, Tangs The Plaza. 
Workshop held at Loft @ Tangs Seviin, Tangs The Plaza.
It was the 2nd time I am here at Tangs Seviin attending workshop. This is a beautiful and relaxing place. I am happy to bring my mum to attend this exciting workshop just on the eve of Mother's Day. 
Beautiful location.
Waiting lounge.
The workshop is readily prepared when we arrived. And we started having refreshment even before the workshop starts. 
Readily prepared.
Wow!!! Is this for us to bring home later???
Refreshment for us to consume.
The workshop started with introduction to IOMA products followed by hands-on using IOMA white revelation products starting from cleansing right up to sun protection. 
1st part of the workshop conducted by IOMA.
Hands-on Kit: Mirror, cotton wool, tissue, hair net.
IOMA Trainer.
IOMA Products to be use for the hands-on.
IOMA products Line Up.
My mum and I are all ready for the hands-on with the hair net on.
IOMA white revolution cleanser. I quite like this cleanser.
In the process, we uses IOMA Night Cream to perform At-Home Massage. And we proceed to finish up by cleaning off the night cream first after massage before applying day cream and sun protection. 
At-Home Massage Steps.
IOMA Sun Protection.
IOMA Sun Protection Cream.
My face is all brighten up again without makeup.
Next we get to decorate our own cookies. This part of the workshop is conducted by Sophisca, Taiwan’s very first specialty candy brand. The decoration is done using Sophisca Choco Colouring Pen, each color have its own flavour. 
2nd part of workshop conducted by Sophisca. 
DIY Kit: Sophisca Cookies, hand gloves, plate and small plastic bag.
Sophisca Choco Colouring Pen for decorating the cookies.
It was quite a disaster in the beginning because the pen is not really ready yet as its too hard to press the cream out to draw. But it was fun once the pen is ready and we succeeded decorating our cookies. 
My DIY cookies decoration.
My mum's DIY cookies decoration.
The workshop ended by IOMA and Sophisca distributing our gift for the day. 
Gift from IOMA.
Gift from Sophisca.
Thanks for this wonderful workshop. My mum and I enjoyed ourselves. :)
A happy mum receiving sweet flowers for Mother's Day.
Disclaimer: I attended this event for learning purposes only. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.   

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