
Sunday 23 October 2016

Event: Sample Store Giftopia

Last weekend, on 15 Oct 2016, I had a fun and exciting morning at Raffle City Shopping Center, Atrium Level 3, attending Sample Store Giftopia Event.

Are you there too? Yes? :) No? Oh...:( ..........Its ok. If you have missed it, let me show you what we have done there.

Are you ready? Lets rock and roll!!!

First, we go to the registration booth to register ourselves. Hmm....Nice registration booth...isn't it?
Registration Booth.
Lucky Draw coupon collected.
I am all ready to go in!
After registration, we are all ready to go. The entrance itself is beautifully decorated. Like I am about to enter a fantasy world after stepping over the door decorations.
Nicely decorated entrance.
I was pretty shock to see the scale of the event after stepping in as I thought it will be small scale. But I see manyyyyyyy booths!!!

What are they? Let me walk you through. :) .....

Sample Store Booth
The first booth I go...of course is the sample store booth.
sample store booth.
You won't want to miss this booth as you will get to spin the wheel to redeem a sure win prize after giving your feedback about their newly revamped website.
Spin the wheel.
Sample Store revamped site and package.
And luck is not on my side. I won only a small facial wash when I am aiming at their bigger products. 
Item won at spin the wheel.
Hebeloft Booth
Then I was greeted by friendly Hebeloft staff at the Hebeloft booth. Hebeloft, a company that brings in quality health and beauty products from Singapore and Asia Pacific.
Hebeloft booth.
Here at the event, I am able see and understand a range of K-beauty products they have.
K-beauty products.
I get to take home samples of mask by liking their facebook page too. :) Stay tune to my blog for the sample mask review. ;)
Sample mask.
Que Origin Booth
I am happy to see Que Origin at this event too.
Que Origin Booth.
Smell your favorite scent before u buy.
They bring in many shower products made using only natural ingredients.

And you may even customize your own shower bottle. I have shared my reviews previously on them.

Karmart Booth
I am excited to see familiar brand, Karmart, a brand from Thailand having Korean beauty products, at this event too.
Karmart booth.
I get to know them during the last Sample Store Ka Bloom+ Event back in 2015.

Its good to know that besides Cathy Doll, they bring in more product brands such as Reunrom.
Product brands that Karmart carries.
Cathy Doll products.
Reunrom products.
Cathy Doll Makeups.
And their products are going on incredible sales at very low price (Many at below $10) that day. I can't resist but bring home Cathy Ready 2 White bubble mousse cleanser and Reunrom Mango Sticky Rice scented hand cream.
Products on sale at very low price.
Can't wait to try them. Wait for my after used review on my blog yah. ;) 

Oh Oh....they will be having another sale on 30th October at Lucky Plaza, #06-48B (Beside Jollibee) from 1pm to 7pm. So don't miss this one if you have missed the Giftopia sale. ;)

E'Siwia Booth
E-Siwia was here too. A new up coming beauty brand from Taiwan, that provides a full range of premium quality beauty products.
E-Siwia booth.
The first to hit the shore was their 3D snail serum facial sheet mask.
3D snail serum facial sheet mask.
Stay tune to my blog for after used result of the mask. ;)

P2 Probiotic Power Booth
P2 Probiotic Power Booth show casing their home care products at the event.
P2 Probiotic Power Booth.
Singapore Post Booth
Here at Singapore Post booth, you can find different packing that you can use for sending your goods.
Singapore Post Booth.
Beauty Keeper (美麗掌櫃) Booth
This booth cannot and will not be missed out by anyone during the event as it's booth is not only decorated with stacks of their beauty boxes, it is crowded with lots of people as well.
Beauty Keeper (美麗掌櫃) booth.
Decorated with stacks of their beauty boxes.
Beauty Keeper (美麗掌櫃) is a new online store that brings you popular beauty products all the way from Taiwan.
The many Taiwan products available.
Everyone is their own beauty keeper. And I am really grateful that Beauty Keeper gave each Sample Store Influencer a beautiful Beauty Keeper box full of their products. And it's all full size products.
Beauty boxes given.
Opening the beauty boxes.
Products for middle age skins or older skins.
I am so excited and I can't wait to try them. Look out on my blog for my reviews on their products.
Feeling happy with my blog buddy with the beauty box received.
Feeling Wow already? Well lets take a short break as I am not done yet. That is only half of it. There are more booths. 

.......Are you ready? Ok, lets continue!

Honey & Gazelle Booth
This booth is where Giftopia postcards are located and it's booth is just located at the center of the event. 
Honey & Gazelle booth.
Here you not only can find Giftopia postcards designed by Honey & Gazelle, that you can send to your loved once, you can also find cards, pin up, notepad etc.
Giftopia postcards
Motivational Pin-up.
Vaniday Sg Booth 
Besides beauty products, you can also do manicure at the event too at Vaniday Sg booth. 
Vaniday Sg booth.
Temporary Tattoo Booth
If manicure is not enough, then go to this temporary tattoo booth to have your temp tattoo done up by Chris Sim
Temporary tattoo designs.
In the process of doing a temporary tattoo.
Latch Handmade Booth
You will find beautiful handmade bracelets and lock clasp at Latch Handmade Booth.
Latch Handmade Booth.

Curious Creatures Booth 
Beautiful jewelry by Curious Creatures showcase here.
Curious Creatures booth.
13rushes Booth
I got my eyes really lighted up when I see this booth by 13rushes. There are so many brushes. 
13rushes booth.
I get especially attracted to this set of oval brushes that are created exclusively for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Oval brushes created exclusively for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Hangmade by Gladys Booth
Hangmade by Gladys really had the most cute items on sale at the event. I am all awake by these cuties. 
Hangmade by Gladys booth.
White Feather Booth
Beautiful timeless handmade jewelry booth made with love by White Feather
White Feather booth.
Euphoramics Booth
Beautiful and handmade ceramics by Euphoramics. It's such a beauty to drink my tea with one of these handmade ceramics tea set.  Don't you think so?
Euphoramics booth.
[in]trigue Booth
Do you love gemstones? Then you will love [in]trigue booth. There are many jewelry handcraft using gemstones. 
[in]trigue booth.
Made By OCD Booth
If you love comics, then you will probably go crazy at this booth as Made By OCD sells accessories with vintage comics on it.  
Made By OCD Booth.
Accessories with vintage comics on it.
I actually can't lay my eyes off these accessories. :D

Wild Harvest Care Booth
Wild Harvest Care sells high quality 100% natural ingredients skincare products from Australia. 
Wild Harvest Care booth.
Especially we are fighting long term mozzies, their natural mosquito repellent just came at the right time. :) 

Not only repellent, they have body care and essential oil too. 

Flipping Notes Booth
Wow, beautifully handmade crafts from scratch by Flipping Notes. I love their flower pot especially. Definitely makes a good gift with effort. 
Flipping Notes booth. Booth sells personalize jewelry. Just select the jewelry, customized the details and it will be delivered to your door step. booth.
Photo Print and Photo taking Corners
With almost all the events, photo taking and printing booth is a must to capture this beautiful memories. 
Photo Printing.
Photo taking wall.
Taking my photo.
Photo printed.
Wowww!!!! That was a lot of booths!! Isn't it?? I am almost done...... 

Brunches Café Refreshment Corner
Came the most loved corner of every event for me. Food!!! 
Refreshment corner from Brunches Cafe.
After visiting overwhelming lots of booths at Sample Store Giftopia event, it's finally time for me to eat! Hehehe. 
Yummy Food!!!!
Food are sponsored by Brunches Cafe. Thanks for caring for our stomach too. The small red velvet cupcakes is my favorite among the foods available. 
Small red velvet cupcake is my favorite.
After a tiring but fun and fulfilling morning, it's finally time for me to go home and rest. As I am about to leave, I realize I have missed out True Colour Media Group booth at a corner outside of the entrance door. 
True Colour Media Group booth.
And it just so happened to be playing my interviewed video on Giftopia!!! (Hiding my face! hahaha) Thanks True Colour Media Group and Guang Films for making my first interviewed video. :)
Spotting myself on TV!
Not forgetting, thanks Sample Store for inviting and the goodies bag given. 
Sample Store Giftopia goodies bag.
Disclaimer: I was invited to this event by Sample Store. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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