
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Event: Acrylic Pour Express Workshop at Room To Imagine

Acrylic Pour Artwork
It's been long since my last blog post. How has it been for everyone? In just a few hours, we will be stepping into a new year.

But before this, I would love to share with you a fun and interesting workshop I went to last weekend. You may already know what is it from my blog post title. Yes...I went to Acrylic Pour Express Workshop from Room To Imagine. 

This is the first time I get to try acrylic pouring. I love to do art and craft. So I am really excited to get my hands dirty on this one. 😜😎😍

Room To Imagine is located in Jalan Besar. Erm....before I get to the real challenge, I must conquer this long long stairs monster to level 4 of the venue. 😫😰
Long long stairs monster to level 4 of the venue. (Thanks Rena for this photo)
But the moment I step into Room To Imagine, I go yeah (for finally reaching) and wow (to all the art pieces on the wall). 
Finally arrived!
Artwork on the wall.
Some of the materials that are sold there.
First I got myself prepared. 
Materials on the table.
All dress up for the workshop.
Then I listen carefully to Cindy's demo on the acrylic pouring. (Ok...I need to eat ginkgo pills. Coz this moment she say...the next moment I forgot 🙈) But thanks to all the guidance along the way. :)
Materials ready.
Demo by Cindy.
This workshop is a great introduction for beginners like me to acrylic pouring. All the materials and the acrylic paints are all prepared ready for use. 

All I have to do is choose colors, put in liquid silicone, pour onto the canvas panel, burn it and tadah.....done. Ok easy to say, I am really nervous along the way. (OS in my heart to myself...correct or not.....just pour?....will it turn out good?)😅😆 
Beginning my acrylic pouring.
Pouring the acrylic paint onto the canvas panel.
Erm.....the end product look really beginner...but still it's my beautiful and unique piece of acrylic pour's ok....the process is fun and interesting. friends says it look like strawberry ice cream that melted...hahahaha...what do you think? 
Ready to Tabao Home. LOL
Yeah.....Moment to capture with my artwork.
Bringing home to dry it.
Thanks Room To Imagine and their sponsor for this workshop. Not forgetting the food is nice too. :)
Lovely Cindy that teaches us in today's workshop.
Nice food.
All right folks...that's the end of my experience sharing. If you are interested in acrylic pouring too....check out Room to Imagine Website

Happy New Year!!!! Enjoy!!!

Completed Acrylic Pour artwork.
Disclaimer: Event attended for personal purposes only. All reviews are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event.

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