
Saturday 26 September 2020

Review: Ensoom Premium Immune Formula

Ensoom Premium Immune Formula (10 pack per box)

Keeping our immune system in top condition keeps us healthy and provide more energy to keep up with our busy schedule.

Recently, I have tried Ensoom Premium Immune Formula. It helps to lessen my fatigue and also improve my concentration. Come check it out with me below. 

About Ensoom Premium Immune Formula

Ensoom is a premium health functional food that consist of:

  • ginsenoside (21mg)
  • zinc (3mg)
  • 27 kind of subsidiary ingredients such as Fortetropin, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B6


  1. Improve immunity
  2. Improve fatigue
  3. Improve memory
  4. Normal cell division
  5. Improve blood flow
  6. Helps with antioxidants
What is written on the box. (In Korean)

Nutrition information.

Check more information on
Ensoom Website. (But note that the website is in Korean)

How to consume Ensoom Premium Immune Formula?

Simply open the stick and drink from the pack. You can also mix together with other beverages and drink.

My Review

A good immune system keeps us in good condition in health and also in our everyday activities. 

Recently I received a pack of Ensoom Premium Immune Formula thanks to 0.8L. 

Ensoom Premium Immune Formula.

1 box consist of 10 packs of ensoom and each pack is 10g. Yes, it comes with individual pack which is easy to be placed into our bag and bring around with us.

10g per pack.

For me I just open the pack and drink it straight from the pack. 

Just open and drink.

It looks dark chocolate or black in color with a liquid texture. If you have seen Chinese sensei, then you will be familiar with the taste and smell of this product. It smell and taste like Chinese liquid medicine.😦😵 It taste sweet at first (from honey and royal jelly) then turn a little bitter towards the end. The bitter comes from the red ginseng in the product. 

Taste and smell like Chinese liquid medicine.

So far, it keeps me less fatigue which helps me concentrate more during my work. Not sure about antioxidant and immunity thought. Maybe will need longer consumption to see other results.

Where to buy it?

Well, not sure where it can be found in Singapore really. But it can be found from Ensoom Website.

Where to redeem sample?

No sample redemption for this product. 😔

Disclaimer: Products were provided for personal review purposes only. All reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this review.

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