
Saturday 20 February 2021

Review: Bonotox Ageless Cream

Bonotox Ageless Cream (8/box)

Looking for product to lighten your wrinkles and improve your laugh lines? Check out Bonotox Ageless Cream.

I have been using this cream for more than 6 months now. It is able to lighten wrinkles and fine lines instantly. Long term use, I am able to see improvement to my skin condition. 

Check out my experience below.

About Bonotox Ageless Cream

Bonotox ageless cream is a water-based cream for targeted use. 

  • Wrinkle improvement. 
  • Quick hydration.
  • Skin tightening. 
  • Brighten skin. 
About the Ageless Cream.

For more information, go to Bonotox Website.

How to use Bonotox Ageless Cream?

Use it 2 to 3 times a week, morning or evening. 

Morning: Use before makeup application. Dab gently on wrinkle prone area and leave up to 5 mins before the next application. 

Evening: Apply on problem areas after usual skincare routine.

Avoid oil based product before applying the ageless cream. 

My Review

Last year, I have won a year supply of Bonotox Ageless Cream. Thanks to Bonotox contest. 

1 box of Ageless Cream.

I have been using the cream with my mum during the night time, twice a week ever since. 

The ageless cream came in a box of 8 capsules, nicely lay inside the box. 

8 Capsules nicely lay in the box.

Box sealed with a sticker.

Each capsule came with easy opening cover. Once opened, it needs to be used up completely. I tried keeping half the next day but it turn hard and not usable. Therefore I share 1 capsule with my mum. 

1 Capsule.

Easy to open cover.

The ageless cream is pink in color with a cakey cream texture. Not oily, not watery at all. 

Pink cakey cream texture.

It is very easy to apply just by dabbing it onto affected areas. 

For me, I apply it mostly to the eye area, laugh lines, forehead and neck. For my mum, apart from the area I apply, she also apply on her mouth area and cheeks. 

The results can be seen after around 5 to 10 mins. I can see my laugh lines lighten and the fine lines around the eye area lighten too. But this instant result last till next day only for just 1 application. 

This is very good to be use as primer, to smooth the skin before makeup. 

Have been using it for more than 6 months now. For me, I can see improvement to my laugh lines. It is tighten now. For my mum, the result around her mouth area is really very obvious. The lines/wrinkles really lightened and skin from other area turn much smoother as well. 

My before and after use.

My mum's before and after use.

One thing I don't quite like is that sometimes after application, the cream will turn powdery on your skin the next day morning. Therefore, less is good. Do not over apply. 

Overall, this ageless cream is really very effective and good to fine lines and wrinkles. I am happy with the result but it is quite expensive to me.

Where to buy it?

Bonotox Ageless Cream can be found from Bonotox online website for a retail prize of S$45 per box (1g X 8 Capsules)

Where to redeem sample?

Sample redemption is over. But you may like their Facebook Page for future promotions. 

Disclaimer: Products were won for personal use only. All reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this review.

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