Sunday 9 June 2024

Guest Post: Smartphone Photography Books Series for Beginners

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Victor Lim, and I am an author of smartphone photography books from StuckOnUrban Studio. I would like to extend my gratitude to The Swanple for inviting me to write a guest post and introduce my books to her readers. 

As a token of my appreciation, I have created a special bundle discount on Google Books just for you. Pick 2 to get 10% off and 3 for 20%.

To date, I have written and published three smartphone photography books. My target audience includes everyone from total beginners to seasoned users looking for a refresher.

Book 1
Smartphone Photography: Total Workflow for Beginners

Camera phones now come with larger sensors and more advanced computational photography processing, are outperforming portable compact cameras and even entry-level DSLR or mirrorless cameras. 

There is currently a trend towards smartphone photography, with photography enthusiasts leaning towards their smartphones to capture special moments or any shots they need rather than carrying around heavy professional cameras all the time.

To begin, you will receive a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of photography, including essential information that anyone new to photography should be familiar with, such as what, why, and how. 

Furthermore, I will offer you valuable tips on how to elevate your photo composition skills, giving you a competitive edge over others. I will also equip you with the knowledge to edit your shots entirely on your smartphone and provide additional insights on industry-standard compositional techniques.

Our goal is to blur the distinction between photos captured by a professional camera and those taken by your smartphone, with the aim of eliciting the question, "Wow, which camera did you use to take this shot?”


Amazon Kindle and Printed

Google Books

Apple Books

Book 2Lightroom Mobile: A Smartphone Photography Beginner's Guide to Editing and Color Grading

Times are changing. Big cameras may still be king, but smartphones are emerging as formidable contenders, thanks to rapid hardware evolution and impressive software algorithms. They're no longer just for basic snaps; they're capable of capturing stunning shots with remarkable ease and versatility.

As smartphones morph into multi-faceted tools, even photo editing, once the domain of PCs and Macs, is evolving. With powerful apps and intuitive interfaces, everyday people are unleashing their inner artist, transforming casual snaps into stunning creations.

I'm excited to introduce Adobe Lightroom Mobile. The PC or Mac version of Lightroom stands as one of the top choices for professional photo manipulation, and while the mobile version may not be as feature-packed as its desktop counterparts, it is more than sufficient to fulfill the needs for the three phases of the process cycle covered in this book. 

Adobe Lightroom Mobile is particularly well-suited for the post-editing and post-processing phases, making it an excellent tool also for color grading your photos. The color grading tools, as you will soon discover, specialize in their intended purposes, giving them an advantage over their competitors in terms of effectiveness and usability.


Amazon Kindle and Printed

Google Books

Apple Books

Book 330 Tips to improve your Smartphone Photography

This book is a collection of techniques and tricks that I have personally used day in and day out for my photography, including smartphone photography. Some of these techniques you may have already encountered elsewhere, while others may be new to you. However, the important point is that by picking up this book, you are demonstrating your curiosity and eagerness to learn more about how different people approach photography. You can also use this opportunity to filter and absorb all the useful techniques for your own needs.

In this book, you will find techniques and tricks designed for use during composition and some of it for post production editing. These will help elevate your photos from ordinary shots to something that looks truly professional. You will also discover highly recommended hardware-related techniques and tricks, which are applicable even for smartphone photography.


Amazon Kindle and Printed

Google Books

Apple Books

If you have any questions regarding the books or photography-related topics, feel free to contact me directly via email through my website. The special bundle discount I created for you is available from now until the end of July 2024.

Thank you once again to The Swanple and her readers.

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